How Hasbro Builds Manager Networks with Peer Coaching
Hasbro has been widely recognized as one of the most innovative, creative, and socially responsible companies for over 100 years. With so many changes happening in the world and in the workplace, Hasbro’s leadership team set out to reimagine their employee experience, looking for innovative ways for employees to own their growth, engagement, and success.
Hasbro’s Vice President of Human Resources, Melissa Henderson, and her team turned to Imperative’s peer coaching platform as the solution that could create manager networks, giving managers the support and connection they were craving.
“When we launched Imperative, I was trusting the process but wasn’t sure how it was all going to work. I panicked the morning of the launch. We’ve all been there at the launch of a program where you wonder, ‘Is this going to work? Are people going to think this just another HR initiative?’
But within a couple hours of the first conversations, the emails started rolling in. ‘What is this magic?’ ‘How did you know to pair me with this person?’ ‘How did you know to connect us?’ The emails were just rolling and rolling in. The magic of your algorithm is clearly working. It was amazing” Melissa said.
“People are busy. If they don’t find value in something, they won’t come back. And what we are finding is that they are coming back.”
Melissa Henderson, VP of HR, Hasbro
Connect and Empower Their Manager Population
Managers play such a crucial role, but continue to face complex challenges. Melissa’s goal was to connect and empower their manager population, while creating a culture of belonging. The solution she and her team were looking for had to meet these criteria:
- Accessible to employees and requires no training
- Easy to launch and administer virtually
- Cost-effective to scale to all their employees
- Based on proven research and science
- Creates psychological safety and new networks of support
Peer Coaching on Imperative
Hasbro partnered with Imperative to create peer coaching networks through the Imperative platform. This enabled their employees to experience the power of coaching while creating meaningful relationships that continue to support them in their work, and unlocked their sense of ownership over their role.
To launch peer coaching networks on Imperative’s platform, employees began by filling out our Purpose Profile, which was scientifically designed to establish what drives a person at work. Then, they were paired off using Imperative’s data-driven algorithm. In each bi-weekly video conversation, Imperative dynamically generates questions that are personalized to the Purpose Profiles of each person. Each of these ongoing conversations are focused on empowering employees to craft their jobs around their purpose and on optimizing their relationships, impact, and growth, which are the key levers to increasing fulfillment.
Employees commit to a specific action they want to take before the next conversation – their imperative – moving from social to experiential learning. These intentional actions and accountability can be directly connected to powerful behavior change and trackable growth. Then, each subsequent quarter, employees are matched with new peer coaches to continue the ongoing process and build more new relationships across the organization, growing their internal network of peers.
“It’s been easy to get into a regular rhythm of peer coaching conversations, especially with the idea that you don’t have to do any prep work. I see this as something we can continue to scale on a regular basis, especially because of how easy it is to use. With the level of participation we’re seeing, I expect continual engagement as you change partners and continue peer coaching.”
Increased Ownership, Support, and Belonging
At the end of each coaching conversation, Hasbro employees committed to one action they would take before their next session to make their work more fulfilling. 83% of those actions were completed and employees reported that 90% of them directly impacted their fulfillment at work.
“Accountability with this is key. You always wonder how to hold people accountable at the end of programs. But with peer coaching, we’re seeing in the comments people saying they committed to something, and we’re finding that the high percentage of the commitments happen. You start to see impact, which you know will drive performance, “ Melissa said.
“We have been so excited by the data and results we’re seeing from peer coaching. The idea that they can come out of a conversation energized, feeling better? What a gift. That’s just amazing to see.”
Culture of Connected and Driven Employees
After having peer coaching conversations, employees reported feeling an increased sense of ownership and belonging, more trusting relationships, and a noticeable increase in their fulfillment.
Overwhelmingly, employees reported a desire to continue peer coaching. 90% of employees described the program as “helpful,” “very helpful,” and “breakthrough.” Employees described peer coaching as something they look forward to and continue to see the value grow as they get new peer coaching partners and continue to have meaningful conversations.
“The level of trust you build—which has to happen for this to work– happens really fast. The idea that they didn’t know each other 10 minutes before and then they built this high level of trust? That’s really amazing.”